Saturday, December 22, 2012


Documentation remains one of the most commonly overlooked aspects in permaculture.  It becomes easy to forget in an attempt to come back later, only then to be scratching the backs of our heads.  Now what did I do here and when?

As of 4:31 in the PM on the 22nd of December, 2012 , I:
1) woke up and handed Leta the baby to feed
2) ate breakfast (scrambled eggs w/ carrots,  a bagel (yes w/ cream chz), & coffee)
3) watered seedlings
4) finished knocking out cracked pave-way and added to grey/black water system
5) rocked baby to sleep
6) went to Sandi's Seed & Feed and grabbed cow compost and mushroom compost... roughly $15
7) moved a large amount of the seedlings to the south side of the house next to the brick wall with salvaged wood
8) attempted grunting for worms and failed using bamboo harvested from un-maintained city property
9) mixed up a soil media - 6:2:2:1 (on site sandy media: cow manure: leaves from a neighbor's property: mushroom compost)
10) watered seedlings w/ backpack sprayer
11) planted broccoli in cell packs and onions in a short-round container
12) watered newly panted seedlings w/ bckpck spryr

This serves as practice and as application for documentation, will update more regularly and more efficiently.
I'm sure I forgot some things, would like to include more detailed diet logging.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


When we go from a state of being uninformed to informed, we undergo a transition.  With permaculture and Austrian economics at the forefront of tangible application, we exercise patience.  Although we may be able to see what's possible in the future, it still takes time.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


2012 - Ian Xel Lungold

I have yet to watch the 2012 Online Movie, but I understand that it has a lot of my favorite ppl all mashed together, seems interesting.
I do not run into many people that know Ian Xel Lungold either.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Right ON


The Daily Paul (@ has been instrumental in their delivery of Liberty.  I've been following the site for a good bit of time now, and would like to thank them very much.  The articles and videos have been right on point!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Guerilla Compost!


I've been scrapping for a little time now, as well as grabbing everybody's fallen leaves. The closer the pile the better; the less I have to spend on energy to get there. If we export our soil we are investing in deserts, if we import our soil we are wasting money, and if we build soil where we stand then we are creating peace.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Yesterday I ran, for the first time, in an officially organized race.  It was a 5K (3.11 miles) and started and ended out of Pier Park.  At one point I was staring at the back of two high schoolers skinny little legs and realized I was not bred for long distance, but I had a lot of fun.  There was so much energy at the start and finish line that I can't wait to do another one, but next time I'm aiming for the half marathon! I finished 8th overall and second for my age group, I am amping!